第一站來到 Makati,公園被高樓群圍繞著。除了空氣汙染比宿霧來的嚴重,現代化建設與第二大城宿霧市相比,實在是極大落差。
I have to transfer my next flight in Manila airport after 10 hours, so I have 8 hours to visit my Filipino friend in Metro Manila, and he will guide me one day city tour.
Metro Manila and Manila are different areas, some parts of business areas are morden as Taipei city, but the skyscrapers line is more fabulous than Taipei city.
Since I have a fetish about architecture, how can I miss this opportunity?
The first spot we visit Makati, the park is surrounded by skyscrapers. Except the more serious air pollution than Cebu city, the modernization has a huge distance between Metro Manila and Cebu which is second big city in the Philippines.
American had ever colonized Philippines and built all basic infrastructures during early period, then the government focuses on building Metro Manila, as can be seen that city and rural areas have a big gap.
Once you leave Metro Manila, other places seem like poor areas.