今日原訂計劃是前往 Camotes Islands,我們在 Danao 港口從10:30排隊等到12:00開始販售14:00的船票(冷氣座位200菲幣、無冷氣座位180菲幣),拿到船票後還要再到隔壁的船管處購買5菲幣的管理費,幹嘛不合在一起售票啊?
由於下班船要等到17:30,所以就算票上寫著 No Refund,也被我硬狠狠的給退掉了。
The efficiency in the Philippines socks!
Today we planed to visit Camotes Islands, and we arrived Danao Port at 10:30, then stood in a row for buying the 14:00 boat fare at 12:00 (air-condition 200 pesos, no air-condition 180 pesos).
However after having the ticket, you need to pay the Terminal Fee 5 pesos in the next building. Why don't they combine the both tickets?
In addition, the return-ticket is only sold in the Camotes Islands...
Then the most tricky thing was that we waited for the boat at the terminal from 13:30 till the boat departing at 14:00, we missed it because there was no broadcast, no direction, no informing...were they stupid to make the reservation for passengers??
Due to the next boat is 17:30, I insisted refunding the fare even the ticket noted "no-refund".