今日的旅行目的地為 Simala Lindogon 教堂。
某些居民相信在 Simala 教堂許下的願望必會實現,相當靈驗;當願望實現後信仰者們會在返回此地還願。
從 South Bus Terminal 搭無冷氣的公車至 Sibonga 為60~66菲幣,車程為2小時。
到 Sibonga 當地轉搭摩托車至山上的 Simala Church,合理喊價為20菲幣,車程約10分鐘。
Today our destination is Simala Lindogon Church.
This church is built on the mountain, it looks like a castle. People can look out the Cebu strait from the church. The Simala church is one of the famous Catholic churches in the Cebu Island.
Some residents believe that every wish which you pray must fulfill, very efficacious.
Aside from that, when the dreams come true, you must come back to the Simala Church to appreciate God.
The bus ticket from the South Bus Terminal to Sibonga is 60-66 pesos(no air-condition), travelling time is 2 hours.
When you arrive Sibonga to ride a motorcycle to the Simala Church on the mountain, the reasonable price is 20 pesos and travelling time is 10 minutes.