
Siam 商圈是曼谷最主要的商圈,林立的購物中心與百貨公司,舊有的商場也不斷的改裝,Siam Center 便是最好的代表。

Siam area is the main shopping area in Bangkok, more and newer shopping malls and department stores operate here, even the old malls were also renovated, the Siam Center is one of examples.
Beside the fashionable shopping malls many vendors can be seen, the huge difference of businesses makes up the special features of Bangkok city.


The business architectural design in Bangkok is more and more avant-garde, in Taipei it needs more efforts!


你們知道這顆位於 Central World 購物中心正前方的女人頭非常有名嗎?
故事是這樣的,2011年時曼谷「紅衫軍」暴動,並且縱火 Central World 購物中心,當時的 Central World 就這樣整棟焚毀;
怪異的是唯獨這顆頭毫髮無傷(左圖),直到購物中心重建後這顆頭變成為了 Central World 的鎮館之寶。


Right, just stare at you!

Does anyone know this woman head in front of the Central World mall is very famous?
The story tells that, in 2011 in Bangkok the protestors named "Red Shirts" burnt the Central World mall, meanwhile the mall was completely destroyed.
But what the strange it was, the woman head was throughly fine(Right picture). Nowadays the mall has been rebuilt and operated, and this head also becomes the mall's mascot.

If you wanna understand more pictures in 2011, please link Google Pictures: 




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